Annie Wiese OCR-CR, RRPr
Annie has been practicing the art of Reflexology for 18 years in and around the city of Guelph. Annie attended the University of Guelph and then went on to study with the Ontario College of Reflexology (OCR), certified in 2004 and is a member in good standing with both OCR and the Reflexology Registration Council of Ontario (RRCO).
Over the years Annie has honed her skills as a practicing Reflexologist and has added complementary modalities to enhance the experience for her clients. These include; heated stones and aroma touch technique (using doTERRA Essential Oils).
Reflexology is a non-invasive, hands-on therapeutic treatment usually applied to the feet or hands. Consider the feet, they are like looking at a map of the entire body and there are roughly 7000 nerve endings in the feet. All of which connect to every organ, gland and part of the body. Is it little wonder that when pressure is applied to the areas of the feet, that the entire body, mind, spirit feels lifted and Homeostasis (self-healing mode) is allowed to begin naturally?
Meet Our Team
The team at CareWell Health Group comes together to bring you the best in collaborative care. We are a multidisciplinary clinic focused on delivering care that is patient-centred. Patient-centred care is when the patient has an active role in clinical decisions and how the treatment is delivered. In this healthcare model, care is respectful of patient preferences, needs, and values.
Khushboo Shah
Manoj Idnani
Chris Allard
Sangeetha Devi